Profits are an opinion.

Cash is a fact.

Get control of your bottom line with the experts at YesCFO

Is your bottom line growing, perhaps better than expected, yet cash is flying out the door? Is more and more of your hard-earned profit tied up in uncollected or slowing receivables or ever-increasing inventory?  Is your lender getting on you to better manage cash flow?

You don't have to go it alone.

Get the benefit of having a YesCFO financial professional on board to help you better understand the cash cycle and better manage this key resource. We solve full-time complex financial problems on a part-time basis.

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Who is YesCFO?

YesCFO is a provider of chief financial officers and operating executives that serve in part-time or interim roles with organizations, especially those in crisis or experiencing rapid change. YesCFO provides exceptionally qualified people who add immediate value in solving the client's problems. By providing on-demand talent, YesCFO provides the most cost-effective solution to companies that are experiencing rapid change or an unstable environment – whether that is a financial crisis, industry paradigm shift, or growth opportunity. 

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Is there a gap you need to fill today, let us help!

Our Services

We provide experts who can manage all aspects of your company's financial operations.

Our Satisfied Clients

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"As a detail oriented person with a keen observation for details that many others might miss, Tim digs deep into the issues and stays focused on the job at hand, enabling the job to get done. It was always a pleasure working and learning from him." 

Edward Russnow 

Vice President, MAC Products, Inc. 

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"Tim has helped to restore the financial health of Marotta as well as help realign costs and revenues. We wish to thank Tim for his tireless efforts on the company's behalf. His unique insight and expertise is greatly appreciated." 

Patrick Marotta

President & COO, Marotta Controls, Inc. 

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"Tim is the consummate CFO. Not only has he helped companies in financial distress emerge to operate in a successful manner; he creates systems and procedures for maintaining the financially sound companies on the proper path."

John Majcher

VP of Operations, Vira Manufacturing, Inc. 

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